Sunrise Girls
Sunrise Girls
Sunrise Girls
Sunrise Girls


From the Wishful Thinking series, these works reflect the competing forces that shape human experience, offering a meditation on both the instinct to protect and control, and the deeper, underlying optimism that a brighter future can manifest through positive intention. 


Over a year of experimentation, Soliman developed a distinctive method of layering that blurs the lines between digital and traditional processes, blending layers of AI-generated imagery before precisely executing using traditional oil painting techniques to create intricate, multi-dimensional compositions that evoke a dreamlike quality, where images form associations and emotive states which resolve and transform under scrutiny. This interplay of layers intended to mirror the dynamism and fluidity that defines our emotional experiences and thought processes. 


Through Wishful Thinking, Soliman invites viewers to confront the complex and unpredictable relationship between love, fear, and hope, offering a powerful visual representation of the forces that shape our lives. In the creation of a space where the boundaries of art, emotion, and technology intersect, opportunity is provided for deeper reflection on how our emotional landscapes influence both personal experience and the world around us.


Sunrise Girls




Oil on linen


133 x 151 cm